Events Calendar
2017 January
January 1
New Year’s Day
January 3
PW Lions Club Meets first Tues, 6:15 pm, in the staff lounge of Helen Keller National Center, 141 Middle Neck Rd. Info 242-3191
January x
January 7
PW Conservancy Second Saturdays at Stannards Brook 10 - 11 am Community clean up series continues. Info:,
January 10
January 9
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1819 Meeting, 8:00 pm (second Monday) Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 1819, 29 Mohegan Ave, Port Washington, NY, FREE Bring your separation document showing your overseas war service record and join up !
January 10
PW Chamber of Commerce Meets second Tuesday, 8am at Fish Kebab 286 Main St. 883-6566
Masons Paumanok-Port Washington Lodge No. 855 F. & A. M. Every second and fourth Tuesdays from September through June, Collation at 7pm, meetings begin promptly at 8pm.. Polish American Hall, 5 Pulaski Place, Port Washington.
Knights of Columbus Meet 2nd & 4th Tues, 8 pm, 155 Manorhaven Blvd 767-0040,, email:
January 11
Ancient Order of Hibernian's Meeting, 8:00 pm (second Wednesday) St. Peter of Alcantara, 1327 Port Washington Blvd, Port Washington, NY, FREE. Nassau County, Fr. Patrick Whitney Div. #19 The Ancient Order of Hibernians is a Catholic, Irish American Fraternal Organization. Founded in New York City 4 May,1836, the AOH is the oldest ethnic organization still operating in the United States. Div.#19 President-Rick Atkinson.
January 12
Kiwanis Club of Manhasset - Port Washington 2nd & 4th Thurs: Lunch at Port Washington Yacht Club, 1 Yacht Club Drive at 12:30pm.
Sketch & Sip Life Drawing Adults - Open to all levels. No instruction. 6:30-9:30 pm $15, Must RSVP. Registration and more info, 304-5797 or 200 Port Washington Blvd., Manhasset.
PW GREEN Non-profit environmental group meets on second Thurs, 7:30 pm at PW Library. Info:
January 13
Tom Papa, 8 pm Stand-up comedian, Tom Papa is one of the top comedic voices in the country. Hit series include, Inside Amy Schumer, The New Adventures of Old Christine and hosted The Marriage Ref. He hosts a live radio play Come To Papa and his SiriusXM show. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
January 14
Olate Dogs, 2 pm Won top honors in 2012's America's Got Talent competition. The dogs (many are rescues) are a high-energy, fast-paced act filled with amazing tricks, acrobatics and humor. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
January 15
…and Social Justice for All - A Conversations from Main Street event presented in conjunction with Long Island Together, 12 - 3 pm Landmark on Main Street and Long Island Together invite you to a celebration of community activism...and Social Justice for All. A multi-cultural event with entertainment, food, information-sharing and conversation where people can come together to connect with our diverse communities and affirm fundamental American values of Truth, Equality, Liberty and Social Justice for all.
Representatives for community and social service organizations, including Planned Parenthood, Grassroots Environmental Education, Long Island Transgender Advocacy Coalition, Port Together, SEPTA, Bend the Arc, Stage the Change and more will be present to share information on how to organize and react to any curtailment of civil rights and discourse.
The event will also feature song, dance and theater performances. Scheduled to appear are:
Aaron Chau: Monkey King Havoc in Heaven a folk tale that can be traced back to as early as the Song Dynasty.
Aiai Jiao, Chinese Acrobatics A professional acrobat since the age of 7 specializing in the yo-yo and has mastered a variety of jugglings skills.
Napoleon Revels-Bey, creator of the award-winning Al Andalusia to Dizzy, a performance/talk about instruments and music from the Moors of Spain and how these rhythms traveled to Africa, the Caribean and New Orleans.
Farbeon Saucedo, One of the most dynamic voices in New York City Hip Hop, educator and agent of change.
Northern Wushu Kung Fu led by Master Hai Shan Rucker The system of wushu has been engineered with the goal of propelling an individual towards enlightenment. Their practice nurtures the ideal that the human potential is limitless and available to all mankind.
Stage the Change, helping students become global citizens through creativity and performance, and providing communities with inspirational original performance works which serve as catalysts for social change.
Food from multiple ethnic communities will be sponsored by our local businesses.
Free admission to all Conversations from Main Street programs is made possible by a generous grant from the Angela & Scott Jaggar Foundation. No tickets or reservations are required.
This event is organized by and presented in cooperation with Long Island Together. Long Island Together is a Port Washington based organization of progressives who seek to affirm diversity and protect vulnerable communities through inter-connected activism. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
January 17

January 16
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
January 18
SONS of ITALY in AMERICA--John M. Marino Lodge-meets every 3rd Wednesday at PW Senior Center at 80 Manorhaven Blvd. --enjoy light refreshments and Italian music starting at 7 pm followed by regular meeting at 8 pm. Italian cultural and heritage activities, dinner dances, picnics, scholarships, family activities, museum trips, etc. Visit website: For membership contact: 718-423-8674 or
January 23
January 24
Masons Paumanok-Port Washington Lodge No. 855 F. & A. M. Every second and fourth Tuesdays from September through June, Collation at 7pm, meetings begin promptly at 8pm.. Polish American Hall, 5 Pulaski Place, Port Washington.
Knights of Columbus Meet 2nd & 4th Tues, 8 pm, 155 Manorhaven Blvd 767-0040,, email:
January 25
1/25 Afternoon T.E.A. Film: Ieri, Oggi, Domani (Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow), 2 pm Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film 1965. A trilogy of romantic comedies set in different parts of Italy, starring Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. Free. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
January 26
Kiwanis Club of Manhasset - Port Washington 2nd & 4th Thurs: Lunch at Port Washington Yacht Club, 1 Yacht Club Drive at 12:30pm.
January 28
Imani Winds an interactive family concert 2 pm, in Castle Gould's Great Hall, Imani Winds bridges European, American, African, and Latin-American traditions and the traditional wind chamber repertoire. They have performed in the most prestigious concert venues, including Lincoln Center, Carnegie Hall, and Kennedy Center - and their fascinating, interactive performances are a great learning experience for children and adults. For information and tickets, call 516.304.5076 or visit
Imani Winds, 7 pm Unique and internationally renowned quintet bridges European, American, African, and Latin-American traditions and enriches the traditional wind chamber repertoire. General: $125 per person. includes cocktails, dinner, concert, and dessert with the artists. VIP Tickets: $250 per person and include a 6 – 7 p.m. cocktail reception and moderated Q & A with the artists. Please reserve for all programs. 127 Middle Neck Road, Sands Point. Info:,, 571-7901.
January 29
Berenstain Bears Live! Family Matters - the Musical, 3 pm Their most beloved books filled with fun songs and dancing. From their popular books, The Berenstain Bears Learn About Strangers, The Berenstain Bears and Too Much Junk Food, and The Berenstain Bears' Trouble at School. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
January 30
January 31

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