Events Calendar
2017 February
February 1
Greater Port Washington BID Board of Directors Meeting 7:00 p.m. at the Chamber/BID Office, 329 Main Street, Port Washington (Sunset Park -between the PAL Field and the Town Dock). (First Wednesday of the month)
February 4
Artists' Reception: From My Perspective: Photography Exhibit. 3-5 pmThe show runs through Feb 26. Gallery open Saturday & Sundays 1-5 pm and by appointment. The Art Guild at Elderfields Historic Preserve, 200 Port Washington Blvd, Manhasset 516=304-5797
PW Chamber of Commerce’s 10th Annual Souper Bowl, 12- 3 pm Archangel Michael Greek Orthodox Church on Fairway Drive (off West Shore Road). Come in from the cold, spend some time with your friends and neighbors, and enjoy a warm and tasty lunch. Many of Port’s wonderful local restaurants and markets donate their best soups for the contest and hope to be voted Port Washington’s 2017 SOUPer Bowl Champ.
There will also be a select Judges’ Panel, including local celebrities and gourmets. The winner, as determined by a vote of the panel, is given the prestigious “Judges’ Choice Award.” When the ballots are tallied, the 2017 SOUPer Bowl Champ is determined. The winner will receive the “People’s Choice Award.” Pay at the door - just a $7 “touchdown” fee for adults and a $3 “field goal” fee for children under 12. Try all the soups, and vote for your favorites.
There is plenty of free parking. For more information, call the Chamber of Commerce at 883-6566 or email
Lunar New Year Celebration, featuring Nai-ni Chen Dance Company & NY Chinese Chorus 11 am: Chinese Community Performances hosted by iSchool of Music (free). 11 am -1:30 pm: Enjoy authentic Chinese food (purchase) and crafts (free). 1:45 pm: New York Chinese Chorus and Nai-Ni Chen Dance Company presents The Art of Chinese Dance (free) Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
"On Your Radar" featuring Cole, Nakoa & Treacher plus Birds of Chicago, 8 pm Host John Platt from WFUV presents an evening with two up-and-coming trios you won't want to miss. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
February 5
From My Perspective: Photography Exhibit. The show runs through Feb 26. Gallery open Saturday & Sundays 1-5 pm and by appointment. The Art Guild at Elderfields Historic Preserve, 200 Port Washington Blvd, Manhasset 516=304-5797
Winterfest, 1-4 pm A fun celebration of the coldest season inside Hempstead House, where the fireplaces roar and the mansion is filled with exciting family activities. A treasure hunt, stormy crafts, and a winter scene for “I SPY” will make the frosty season enjoyable for all. Admission: M: $10 per car, NM: $20 per car. Please reserve for all programs. 127 Middle Neck Road, Sands Point. Info:,, 571-7901.

February 7
PW Lions Club Meets first Tues, 6:15 pm, in the staff lounge of Helen Keller National Center, 141 Middle Neck Rd. Info 516-242-3191
February 8
Ancient Order of Hibernian's Meeting, 8:00 pm (second Wednesday)
St. Peter of Alcantara, 1327 Port Washington Blvd, Port Washington, NY, FREE. Nassau County, Fr. Patrick Whitney Div. #19. The Ancient Order of Hibernians is a Catholic, Irish American Fraternal Organization. Founded in New York City 4 May,1836, the AOH is the oldest ethnic organization still
operating in the United States. Div.#19 President-Rick Atkinson
Afternoon T.E.A.: From Italy with Love presented by Marilyn Carminio. 2 pm Multimedia presentation on Sophia Loren and Marcello Mastroianni. FREE Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
February 9
Kiwanis Club of Manhasset - Port Washington 2nd & 4th Thurs: Lunch at Port Washington Yacht Club, 1 Yacht Club Drive at 12:30pm.
Sketch & Sip Life Drawing 6:30-9:30 pm Adults - Open to all levels. No instruction. $15, Must RSVP. Registration and more info, 304-5797 or 200 Port Washington Blvd., Manhasset.
PW GREEN Non-profit environmental group meets on second Thurs, 7:30 pm at PW Library. Info:
February 11
From My Perspective: Photography Exhibit. The show runs through Feb 26. Gallery open Saturday & Sundays 1-5 pm and by appointment. The Art Guild at Elderfields Historic Preserve, 200 Port Washington Blvd, Manhasset 516=304-5797
PW Conservancy Second Saturdays at Stannards Brook 10 - 11 am Community clean up series continues. Info:,
An Evening with Fran Lebowitz w/special guest Susan Isaacs, 8 pm A conversation and Q&A with insights on issues such as gender, race, gay rights, celebrity culture, tourists and strollers. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
Valentine’s Jazz Night 7 pm Celebrate the most romantic holiday with your loved one – and a band of world-class jazz musicians, directed by Steven Lutvak. $125 pp: cocktails, dinner, concert, and dessert with the artists. Limited VIP $250 pp: 6 – 7 pm cocktail reception and Q & A with the artists. Please reserve for all programs. 127 Middle Neck Road, Sands Point. Info:,, 571-7901.
February 12
From My Perspective: Photography Exhibit. The show runs through Feb 26. Gallery open Saturday & Sundays 1-5 pm and by appointment. The Art Guild at Elderfields Historic Preserve, 200 Port Washington Blvd, Manhasset 516=304-5797
Kathy Mattea: The Acoustic Living Room featuring Bill Cooley, 7 pm the Grammy Award winner and her longtime collaborator and guitarist share songs and stories dear to their hearts and selections from her most recent album, Calling Me Home. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
February 13
Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1819 Meeting, 8:00 pm (second Monday) Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 1819, 29 Mohegan Ave, Port Washington, NY, FREE. Bring your separation document showing your overseas war service record and join up!
February 14
Valentines Day
PW Chamber of Commerce Meets second Tuesday, 8am at Fish Kebab 286 Main St. 883-6566
Masons Paumanok-Port Washington Lodge No. 855 F. & A. M. Every second and fourth Tuesdays from September through June, Collation at 7pm, meetings begin promptly at 8pm.. Polish American Hall, 5 Pulaski Place, Port Washington.
Knights of Columbus Meet 2nd & 4th Tues, 8 pm, 155 Manorhaven Blvd 767-0040,, email:
February 18
From My Perspective: Photography Exhibit. The show runs through Feb 26. Gallery open Saturday & Sundays 1-5 pm and by appointment. The Art Guild at Elderfields Historic Preserve, 200 Port Washington Blvd, Manhasset 516=304-5797
February 19
From My Perspective: Photography Exhibit. The show runs through Feb 26. Gallery open Saturday & Sundays 1-5 pm and by appointment. The Art Guild at Elderfields Historic Preserve, 200 Port Washington Blvd, Manhasset 516=304-5797
February 20
Presidents Day
February 22
SONS of ITALY in AMERICA--John M. Marino Lodge-meets every 3rd Wednesday at PW Senior Center at 80 Manorhaven Blvd. --enjoy light refreshments and Italian music starting at 7 pm followed by regular meeting at 8 pm. Italian cultural and heritage activities, dinner dances, picnics, scholarships, family activities, museum trips, etc. Visit website: For membership contact: 718-423-8674 or
Afternoon T.E.A.: Music: Bravo Italiano, 2 pm Elizabeth Francesco, soprano, and Eric Malson, piano, showcase the music, romance and magic of Italy! FREE. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
February 24
Marcia Ball & the Subdudes "Boogie on the Bayou: A Mardi Gras Celebration, 8 pm An evening of true New Orleans music in celebration of Mardi Gras. Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
February 25
From My Perspective: Photography Exhibit. The show runs through Feb 26. Gallery open Saturday & Sundays 1-5 pm and by appointment. The Art Guild at Elderfields Historic Preserve, 200 Port Washington Blvd, Manhasset 516=304-5797
Improvised Shakespeare, 8 pm Based on an audience suggestion a fully improvised Shakespearean masterpiece is created right before your very eyes! All of the dialogue is said for the first time, the characters are created as you watch, and if you're wondering where the story is are they! Landmark on Main Street, 232 Main Street • 516-767-6444 •
February 26
From My Perspective: Photography Exhibit. The show runs through Feb 26. Gallery open Saturday & Sundays 1-5 pm and by appointment. The Art Guild at Elderfields Historic Preserve, 200 Port Washington Blvd, Manhasset 516=304-5797
February 28
Masons Paumanok-Port Washington Lodge No. 855 F. & A. M. Every second and fourth Tuesdays from September through June, Collation at 7pm, meetings begin promptly at 8pm.. Polish American Hall, 5 Pulaski Place, Port Washington.
Knights of Columbus Meet 2nd & 4th Tues, 8 pm, 155 Manorhaven Blvd 767-0040,, email:

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